遺漏解答:(21. in youth)
〈回到過去和未來〉--12/13/2008 修訂
解答:(1. underneath)應改為 beneath -- 4/30/2010 修訂
解答:(105. sabotage)應改為 sabotaged -- 12/13/2008 修訂
〈吸血鬼〉--12/13/2008 修訂
解答: (73. ghastly chalkly pale) chalkly 應該是 chalky
(78. the window panes)正確
(126a. elivered) 應該是 delivered
〈筏上之死〉--9/20/2008 修訂
CD*1 & CD*25--9/20/2008 修訂
解答:(40. a splotch of white)正確--1/1/2010 修訂
解答:(26a. blush)錯→(26a. blushed)對--1/1/2010 修訂
解答:(38. in the depth of despair)正確--5/4/2008 修訂
〈太太變成貓〉--4/10/2008 修訂
解答 (16. get as much alimony as I could get)錯 → (16. the alimony)正確
解答(43. frollicked)錯 → (43. frolicked)正確
〈影子 vs. 巫毒教〉
解答:(39. eighteen dollars and ninety-five cents 或 18.95)--1/1/2009 修訂
I'm going to make her fear you more then she fears Cayonne.
then(錯)→than(正確)--9/20/2008 修訂
CD*2 --p. 2 第一行--3/31/2008 修訂
when you "go to" Anthracite,be sure and insist on Blue Coal.
go to(錯)→order(正確)
CD*6--p.9 第一行
Shear madness(錯)→ Sheer madness(正確)
CD*15--p. 17 第五行
The weed of crime bears "bigger" fruit.
bigger(錯)→ bitter(正確)
〈月坑〉》--3/12/2008 修訂
解答:(90. eminds me of)(錯)→(reminds me of)
it "reels of " your whole history 改為 reels off
--2/19/2008 修訂
解答:(29. one ten thousands of an inch)錯
(29. one ten-thousandth of an inch)正
1a. 〈血字的研究〉
CD*2: worse for ware 應該是 worse for wear - 6/20/2009 修訂
CD4: handsome riding(錯)-hansom riding(正確)-7/5/2005 修訂
A heard (錯)of buffalos - herd(正確)
解答:35:rising contortions(錯)- writhing contortions(正確)-6/29/2006 修訂
CD*7:completion(錯)- complexion(正確)6/2/2006 修訂
CD11: handsome cab - hansom cab(正確)7/5/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(53. under lock and key)(66. ointment box)-12/27/2007 修訂
1b. 〈紅髮會〉
CD*18 chokes(錯)- choked(正確)6/2/2006 修訂
CD*20 plucked down(錯)- planked down (正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
weeks work(錯)- week's work(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
CD*23 my besting sin(錯)- my besetting sin(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
CD*25 oppressed with(錯)- been impressed with(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
解答 4. up most use(錯) - upmost use(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
解答 13. trustee(錯)- trustees(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
解答 34. via the underground(錯) - by the underground(正確)-6/2/2006 修訂
CD*28 那個空格:leaden feet
遺漏解答:(11. earn twice)(12. widower)(13. trustees)-6/2/2006 修訂
2a. 〈波宮祕史〉 -5/20/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(16. hereditary)(36. Sweden)(75. False alarm! False alarm!)
2b. 〈四簽名〉 -5/20/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(42. shipwreck)(47. attire)
3a. 〈火星之旅〉
(61.homley) → 應該是(61.homely)--修訂 8/7/2009
(102.linfinite) → 應該是(102.infinite)--修訂 8/7/2009
CD*5--9/20/2008 修訂
CAPTAIN: Quiet. You don't now what's out here.
now(錯)→ know(正確)
解答:(24. court-martial)──修訂 12/15/2006
遺漏解答:(81. machine gun)-5/20/2006 修訂
4. 〈模仿大明星〉 -5/20/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(41. you folks)
6b. 〈入侵〉
解答:(37. wan)應該是 wane
CD*19--9/20/2008 修訂
Be quite, please. Be quite.
quite(錯)→ quiet(正確)
CD*16--9/20/2008 修訂
Do they ever forget of forgive the whippings and the harsh strict words of command?
of(錯)→ or(正確)
遺漏解答:(19a. in town)--5/20/2006 修訂
7a. 〈月坑〉 -6/2/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(35. glory)
7b. 〈海底兩萬哩〉
CD*13 some what → somewhat(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*13 breach → breech(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*15 under water → underwater(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*17 mallot → mullet(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*17 cumbrus → scombrus(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*18 Let by a man → Led by a man(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD*18 every shade → every shape(正確)-修訂 1/1/2010
CD13(7/25/2009 修訂)
Aronnax: Yes, didn't I see a breech (20. ) atop your foxhole ?
foxhole(錯)- forecastle(正確)
You're speaking of a scosha, a take it.(錯)
You're speaking of the Scotia, I take it.(正確)
CD 14
Farragaut: I know it, sir. There's only on thing left to do...stand and
fight. Up to the foxhole cannon, men! → forecastle
這篇裡所有的 foxhole 應該都是 forecastle
CD 18
rukiro(錯)→ Rouquayrol(正確)--7/25/2009 修訂
CD 20
took the recton(錯)→ took the reckoning(正確) -- 7/25/2009
8a. 〈吉屋招租〉 -6/2/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(11. in Indiana)(60. sluggish)
11. 〈Tombstone〉 -6/2/2006 修訂
遺漏解答:(20. rustled)(78. hysteria)(101. appropriate)
12b. 〈馬爾他之鷹〉
遺漏解答:(8. slick chick)(25. chewing gum)(48. falcon)
(49. steamed up)(50. unpredictable)-6/2/2006 修訂
13a. 〈銀色馬〉Sliver Blaze I assume → Sliver Blaze, I assume, -12/2/2006 修訂.
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