1 -20
2 -8
3 -13
- Harry and Hopper
- Each Peach Pear Plum
- Ferdie's Springtime Blossom
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
- Paddington at the Carnival
- The Enormous Crocodile
- I Like Books
- Whatever
- Guess How Much I Love You - in the Winter
- Five Little Ducks
- Paddington and the Grand Tour
- Paddington at the Circus
- Mr.Gumpy's Motor Car
- Mr Gumpy's Outing
- The Shopping Basket
- Guess How Much I Love You (影片)
- Dog Biscuit
- Too Tight, Benito!
- When We Lived in Uncle's Hat (心得)
- Brown Bears Wonderful Secret
- 莎拉的鑰匙(心得)
- Come On, Daisy!
- 秘密 (東野圭吾)
- 使命與心的極限(東野圭吾)
- The Uncommon Reader (心得)
- The Uncommon Reader (BBC Audio)
- Cinderella and the Hot Air Balloon
- The Pomodoro Technique
- 布魯特斯的心臟 (東野圭吾)
- 綁架遊戲 (東野圭吾)
- Confessions of a Shopaholic
- Room
- Penguin
- after the quake
- Shopaholic takes Manhattan
- 【東野圭吾】二~三月:五本閱讀 (心得總結)
- 【Shopaholic購物狂系列】三~四月:第一集~第五集 (心得:一、二 總結)
4 (iphone + ipad) -8
5 -23
6 Harry Potter Month -11
- Shopaholic Ties the Knot
- Shopaholic and Sister
- Shopaholic and Baby
- The Lottie Project
- Cookie
- The Graveyard Book
- Bad Girls
- Clean Break
- The Room by Paul Brennen
- Alice in Paris by Elizabeth Lewis
- Books by Tessa Hadley
- Curry Tales by Rani Moorthy
- 84, Charing Cross Road
- Strangers on a Train
- Time after Time by Gerry Jones
- The Snowman
- 日月(馬家輝)(心得)
- British Life (心得)
- How to be an Alien (心得)
- 減肥聖經 (北市可線上閱讀)
- Goodnight Tiptoe
- The Cat in the Hat
- Charlie Cook's Favourite Book
- Charlie and Lola
- Paddington and the marmalade maze
- We're Going on a Bear Hunt
- Angelo
- The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas
- Visitor for Bear
- Stick Man
- Alfie Gets in First
- The Gruffalo
- Snuff
- Mister Magnolia
- 準備好大哭一場 (心得)
- 培養孩子的英文耳朵
- 餵故事書長大的孩子
- 記事本圓夢計畫
- 三重門 (韓寒) 48% 放棄(部份心得)
- The Birds (心得)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- 查令十字路84號
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- 第44個孩子 (心得)
- 萊辛頓的幽靈
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
7 -1
- The Paris Wife
- レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんご よむよむ文庫 レベル1 vol.3
- 紅樓夢(第一回~四十回)
- 紅樓夢(第四十一回~第八十七回)
- 孤獨六講 & mp3
- The Very Fairy Princess
- 活了一百萬次的貓
- Danny and the Dinosaur
- 紅樓夢(第八十八回~第九十一回)
- Ramona the Pest
- Snow-White and Seven Dwarfs
- The 39 Steps
- 嫌疑犯X的獻身(東野圭吾)
- 偵探伽利略(東野圭吾)
- 考上第一志願的筆記本:東大合格生筆記大公開
- Th1rteen R3asons Why (心得)
- 記事本圓夢計畫
- One Day
- 晨間日記的奇蹟
- 筆記女王的手帳活用術:全彩圖解 工作、生活、理財、時間管理一本通 (心得)
- 筆記女王的手帳活用術 2 偷看別人的筆記 (心得)
- A Vintage Affair: A Novel
- “白骨精”學習法︰讓你的年收入持續增長
- Paper Towns
- The Elephant Vanishes
- Dear Santa
- Me
- I Want To Be
- 佐藤可士和的超整理術
- A Snowman Named Just Bob
- My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Never Fall Out (Charlie & Lola)
- George and Lily's Christmas Present
- Charlie and Lola: My Best Best Bestest Friend (Charlie & Lola)
- Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent
- The Gruffalo's Child
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