2011 Reads

The first thing that reading teaches us is how to be alone.

  綠色代表在Kindle上閱讀電子書   藍色代表有聲書   BBC 4 Afternoon Play

1 -20
2 -8
3 -13
  1. Harry and Hopper
  2. Each Peach Pear Plum
  3. Ferdie's Springtime Blossom
  4. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  5. Paddington at the Carnival
  6. The Enormous Crocodile
  7. I Like Books
  8. Whatever
  9. Guess How Much I Love You - in the Winter
  10. Five Little Ducks
  11. Paddington and the Grand Tour
  12. Paddington at the Circus
  13. Mr.Gumpy's Motor Car
  14. Mr Gumpy's Outing
  15. The Shopping Basket
  16. Guess How Much I Love You (影片)
  17. Dog Biscuit
  18. Too Tight, Benito!
  19. When We Lived in Uncle's Hat (心得)
  20. Brown Bears Wonderful Secret
  21. 莎拉的鑰匙(心得)
  1. Alice in Wonderland
  2. 雨的祈禱
  3. The Tell-Tale Heart (短篇)
  4. 白夜行 (東野圭吾)
  5. The Incredible Book Eating Boy
  6. Dannys Drawing Book
  7. 單身女子公寓 (松本清張)
  8. 作文七巧
  9. The Little Prince (心得)
  1. Come On, Daisy!
  2. 秘密 (東野圭吾)
  3. 使命與心的極限(東野圭吾)
  4. The Uncommon Reader (心得)
  5. The Uncommon Reader (BBC Audio)
  6. Cinderella and the Hot Air Balloon
  7. The Pomodoro Technique
  8. 布魯特斯的心臟 (東野圭吾)
  9. 綁架遊戲 (東野圭吾)
  10. Confessions of a Shopaholic
  11. Room
  12. Penguin
  13. after the quake
  14. Shopaholic takes Manhattan
  • 【東野圭吾】二~三月:五本閱讀 (心得總結)
  • 【Shopaholic購物狂系列】三~四月:第一集~第五集 (心得: 總結)
4 (iphone + ipad) -8
5 -23
6  Harry Potter Month -11
  1. Shopaholic Ties the Knot
  2. Shopaholic and Sister
  3. Shopaholic and Baby
  4. The Lottie Project
  5. Cookie
  6. The Graveyard Book
  7. Bad Girls
  8. Clean Break
  9. The Room by Paul Brennen
  10. Alice in Paris by Elizabeth Lewis
  11. Books by Tessa Hadley
  12. Curry Tales by Rani Moorthy
  13. 84, Charing Cross Road
  14. Strangers on a Train
  15. Time after Time by Gerry Jones

  1. The Snowman
  2. 日月(馬家輝)(心得)
  3. British Life (心得)
  4. How to be an Alien (心得)
  5. 減肥聖經 (北市可線上閱讀)
  6. Goodnight Tiptoe
  7. The Cat in the Hat
  8. Charlie Cook's Favourite Book
  9. Charlie and Lola
  10. Paddington and the marmalade maze
  11. We're Going on a Bear Hunt
  12. Angelo
  13. The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas
  14. Visitor for Bear
  15. Stick Man
  16. Alfie Gets in First
  17. The Gruffalo
  18. Snuff
  19. Mister Magnolia
  20. 準備好大哭一場 (心得)
  21. 培養孩子的英文耳朵
  22. 餵故事書長大的孩子
  23. 記事本圓夢計畫
  24. 三重門 (韓寒) 48% 放棄(部份心得)
  1. The Birds (心得)
  2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  5. 查令十字路84號
  6. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  8. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  9. 第44個孩子 (心得)
  10. 萊辛頓的幽靈
  11. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

7 -1
  1. The Paris Wife
  2. レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんご よむよむ文庫 レベル1 vol.3
  3. 紅樓夢(第一回~四十回)

  1. 紅樓夢(第四十一回~第八十七回)
  2. 孤獨六講 & mp3
  3. The Very Fairy Princess

  1. 活了一百萬次的貓
  2. Danny and the Dinosaur
  3. 紅樓夢(第八十八回~第九十一回)

  • 預計書單
  1. 紅樓夢(第八十八回~第一百二十回)
  2. Ramona the Pest
  3. Snow-White and Seven Dwarfs
  4. The 39 Steps

  1. 嫌疑犯X的獻身(東野圭吾)
  2. 偵探伽利略(東野圭吾)
  3. 考上第一志願的筆記本:東大合格生筆記大公開
  4. Th1rteen R3asons Why (心得)
  5. 記事本圓夢計畫
  6. One Day

  1. 晨間日記的奇蹟
  2. 筆記女王的手帳活用術:全彩圖解 工作、生活、理財、時間管理一本通 (心得)
  3. 筆記女王的手帳活用術 2 偷看別人的筆記 (心得)
  4. A Vintage Affair: A Novel
  5. “白骨精”學習法︰讓你的年收入持續增長
  6. Paper Towns

  1. The Elephant Vanishes
  2. Dear Santa 
  3. Me
  4. I Want To Be
  5. 佐藤可士和的超整理術
  6. A Snowman Named Just Bob
  7. My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Never Fall Out (Charlie & Lola)
  8. George and Lily's Christmas Present
  9. Charlie and Lola: My Best Best Bestest Friend (Charlie & Lola)
  10. Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent
  11. The Gruffalo's Child

到目前為止,您今年已讀完 118 本書,共計 19273 頁 。

{ 童書 }
54 / 100 (54.00%)

{ 青少年讀物、中文書 } 
64 / 60 (106.67%)

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