Week 01 Bozo at the Circus
Week 02 The Rollicking Roller Skates
Week 03 The Prettiest Song in the World
Week 04 Jack and Homer
Week 05 Genie the Magic Record
Week 05 The Little Tune That Ran Away
Week 06 Children's Opry House
Week 07 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Week 07 Little Red Riding Hood
Week 07 The Gingerbread Boy
Week 08 Peter Churchmouse
Week 09 Leoncavallo's Pagliacci
Week 10 Golden Records Singles
Week 11 A Child's Garden of Manners
Week 12 Flick, the Little Fire Engine
Week 13 Rolito
Week 14 Songs of Safety
Week 15 Slugger at the Bat
Week 15 Casey at the Bat
Week 16 Bertram and his Fabulous Animals
Week 17 The Amazing Adventures of Johnny
Week 18 Buzzy Bear and Peggy Penguin
Week 19 Babar
Week 19 The Churkendoose
Week 20 The Shoemaker and the Elves
Week 21 Irving the Unemployed Horse
Week 21 The Pride of Kentucky
Week 22 Adventures in Music - Melody
Week 23 Mercury Childcraft Singles
Week 24 Sally the Runaway Monkey
Week 25 Little Black Sambo and the Twins
Week 26 Pat and the Pixies
Week 29 Magesto the Magician
Week 30 The Lady in Blue's Magic Carpet
Week 31 Your Trip to Disneyland
Week 32 Lincoln Records Singles
Week 33 The Adventures of Bronco Bob
Week 34 The Little Engine That Could
Week 35 Sergeant Preston of the Yukon
Week 36 Molly Whuppie
Week 37 Dumbo
Week 38 Chug Chug in Lollypop Town
Week 39 George Washington Rabbit
Week 39 The Little Gray Pony
Week 41 Uncle Don on the Farm
Week 42 Adventures Beyond the Sky
Week 43 Jack and the Beanstalk
Week 44 'Erbert and the Pirate
Week 45 Bozo Approved Singles
Week 46 The Adventures of Pinocchio
Week 47 The Bear That Wasn't
Week 48 Assorted Holiday Singles
Week 49 Assorted Holiday Singles
Week 50 Assorted Holiday Singles
Week 51 A Christmas Carol
Week 52 Sleep, Baby, Sleep
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