- DFF especially British English a hot sweet dish, made from cake, rice, bread etc with fruit, milk or other sweet things added
- DFF especially American English a thick sweet creamy dish, usually made with milk, eggs, sugar, and flour, and served cold: chocolate pudding
- British EnglishDFFDFF a sweet dish served at the end of a meal for pudding There's ice-cream for pudding.➔ dessert
- British EnglishDFF a hot dish made of a mixture of flour, fat etc, with meat or vegetables inside: steak and kidney pudding ➔ black pudding, Christmas pudding, milk pudding, plum pudding, Yorkshire pudding ➔ the proof of the pudding is in the eating at proof1
(3) 英式的pudding,也可用來泛指飯後「甜點」=dessert。
(4) 英式的pudding,有鹹有甜。鹹的pudding,
例如:steak and kidney pudding
在傳統的英式早餐絕對少不了 black pudding
很像葡式蛋塔的Yorkshire pudding,常在Sunday Lunch裡和roast meat一塊出現。酥脆外皮、內層有熱布丁的鬆軟口感,沾上roast beef的肉汁,或是特調的gravy醬汁。都是屬於非常英式的傳統美味。
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