- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My teaser:
「那海浪只差一點沒有捕捉到我。但另一方面卻吞走了對我來說非常重要的東西,把那帶到別的世界去。我花了漫長的歲月,才再一次發現並復元,那是無法復回的漫長而貴重的歲月。」-p.97 〈第七個男人〉《萊辛頓的幽靈》by 村上春樹
"It just barely missed me, but in my place it swallowed everything that mattered most to me and swept it off to another world. I took years to find it again and to recover from the experience- precious years that can never be replaced. -p.155 〈The Seventh Man〉《Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman》by Haruki Murakami Translated by Jay Rubin
That wave only missed finishing me off by hair's breadth. But instead it drank up the most essential part of me, and transported it to another world. It took such a long time before I was finally completely recovered. So much precious time."
Translated by Christopher Allison
這篇teaser是隨機翻閱中文版,再去wiki查這篇〈第七個男人〉英文版的〈The Seventh Man〉收錄在《Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman》這本裡面。美國版和英國版的封面大不同,中間是英國版,英美兩個版本我都很喜歡。在Flickr有個收集村上春樹書封面的群組Haruki Murakami Book Covers,各國譯版的封面,那萬種風情或許就像每個個體在閱讀村上春樹時,內心捕捉到的千萬種頻率不一定相同,但都接收到村上想透露的某種訊息。
引用朋友的一句話:事出必有因,一開始就用逃避與消極的態度去處理事情,就等著收爛攤子吧。(語氣好跳tone :P)
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