
[Book] British Life - Annie Collins

這本《British Life》是Penguin Readers(Level 3),當然內容比「Life in the UK」考試的難度差很多,但短短的四十多頁可以簡單快速將「英國人日常生活」的輪廓抓出來。

Foreigner have ideas about what is 'British'. But some of these things are not part of most ordinary people's everyday lives. 

還記得考「Life in the UK」有道陷阱題目:
換句話說,蘇格蘭(Scottish Parliament)、威爾斯、北愛爾蘭都有自己的國會

英格蘭國歌=英國國歌:God Save the Queen(英國官方國歌)
蘇格蘭國歌:Flower of Scotland
威爾斯國歌:Land of My Fathers

  • 英國人的日常對話:天氣

Dr Johnson, a famous English writer, said over 200 years ago, 'When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.' This is still true! Conversations between British people today often begin with the subject of the weather.  

  • 英國皇室:

正巧四月底威廉王子和凱特的大喜日,英國大大小小的報紙開始討論比較起皇室婚禮,也重提戴安娜當年的婚禮,總結是the royal weddings bring colour to people's lives。英國人和皇室多少還是維持著很密切的關係,雖然還是有不少倫敦客每逢「皇室婚禮就逃離倫敦潮」(根據四月某日BBC London提到,當年戴安娜王妃的婚禮,讓不少倫敦客趕緊逃離倫敦)
這部份有11道簡單的皇室考題,只錯了一題,可見我多八卦 XD
「Which of these children of the Queen is NOT divorced?」→Prince Edward

  • 在英國家庭組成:

提到英國居於歐洲第一高的離婚率(60%)和未婚生子(40%)。這簡單的數據看起來滿驚人的。到底是因為離婚法律簡單化的關係,還是夫妻之間互相不夠努力維持婚姻。In 1969, the divorce laws were changed and divorce become quicker and easier. But can people walk away from marriages too easily now? Do couples not try hard enough to stay together?
You don't like housework? Your husband doesn't like housework?
Get a cleaner and save your marriage!
  • 其他:
簡略介紹了「The City of London」、「The British and Food」另一個嚇人的數據是:一個人一年平均喝了1040杯茶。喜歡在茶裡面加牛奶的原因是「Some people thought that too much tea was bad for your health. So they started putting milk in it, to make it healthier!」

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