- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your
永遠的過去,那毫無辦法的重量,將緊緊地絆住我們的腳。而我們已經再也無法掙脫它了。-p.72 〈冰男〉《萊辛頓的幽靈》by 村上春樹
The outrageous weight of the eternal past had grabbed us and wasn't going to let go. We'd never be able to shake free. -p.207 〈The Ice Man〉《Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman》by Haruki Murakami
The eternal past, heavy beyond all comprehension, had us in its grasp. We would never shake it off. -Translated by Richard L. Peterson (2003 The New Yorker)
這禮拜的Teaser Tuesday還是同一本村上春樹的《萊辛頓的幽靈》。目前在Kindle上閱讀韓寒的《三重門》,聽Sophie Kinsella的Shopaholic系列之三《Shopaholic Ties The Knot》。而普魯斯特的《追憶似水年華》實在不適合teaser。這一輪思考後,發現對於實體書好像比例漸漸變少了,遇到要隨機翻頁還真傷腦筋。這禮拜卻意外地發現,原來村上春樹除了書封面有多元的設計版本外,連英文翻譯也很多元。譬如說:上禮拜的〈第七個男人〉和這禮拜的〈冰男〉都有至少兩個譯本。《Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman》書中收錄的翻譯和當初刊登在The New York是不同的譯者。著實嚇了一跳,一下子以為遇到山寨英譯本。村上春樹對於英文譯本非常講究,這是為什麼日文中文版都以上市出版這麼些時候了,《1Q84》英文版遲遲未發行,村上迷非得等到今年年底了。
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